How Long Should Your Copy Be? Long Vs. Short Content Results
As a Toronto freelance copywriter, I've heard a lot of different opinions about how long copy should be. A large group of people strongly...

How To Write Website Content Like A Professional Freelance Copywriter In 5 Easy Steps!
As a Toronto freelance copywriter, many of my clients want to know how I write website content before hiring me. I get it. You want to...

An Insider Secret For Better Marketing Content
Most amateur marketing writers (as well as inexperienced copywriters) make a serious mistake when developing marketing content. It's a...

How To Get More Leads By Using The 'SO WHAT' Test
Right now, people are looking for your product or service. That’s the good news. The bad news is, there are other companies offering the...

What Real Estate Marketing Can Teach Us All
Have you ever received direct mail postcards from a real estate agent? If you are anything like me, you have – many times. And have you...

How To Make Your Ad Sell 19X More Stuff
I am going to tell you about the most important part of an ad and how you can make it much more effective at selling your goods and...

How To Hire A Copywriter: A Step-By-Step Guide
If you are considering hiring a copywriter to develop your marketing content this post may be the most important you ever read. Let me...

How To Make Your Advertising Make Money
There are two types of advertising. One is called ‘awareness’ or ‘brand advertising’ and the other is ‘direct response’. Awareness...

17 Simple, Easy And Cheap Ways To Get Tons More Leads
If you send out marketing materials, I presume you hope people will get in touch with you or buy something. There’s nothing more stomach...